QGenda On-Call Schedule, Integrated with Epic
Improving On-Call Scheduling and Access Systemwide
To improve and standardize on-call scheduling, HM is transitioning to QGenda as our systemwide on-call platform and integrating it with Epic.
QGenda is the leading innovator in physician scheduling and on-call service management, providng one, dedicated on-call repository, so you can quickly access accurate, real-time on-call information across our system.
This will help ensure that the right on-call providers are available and contacted — improving patient care, access, safety and outcomes.
The first clinical groups at HMCCH, HMCL, HMH and HMW launched mid 2023. For a list of the units/departments/service lines that launched, click here.
Getting Started
For new QGenda On-Call Schedule requests and how to get started, review:
HM System On-Call
QGenda Demo Video
QGenda On-Call Scheduling webpage with FAQs
Tip Sheets
All Staff Using On-Call Finder:
Schedulers: QGenda Scheduler Training Guide
Providers Entering/Editing On-Call Schedules, OAs, Bed Planning: QGenda Schedule Overview
Scheduler Plus: QGenda Scheduling Standards